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Category: Greenwich Pregnancy

  1. VBAC at Darent Valley Hospital: second time mum positive natural birth after a previous Caesarean

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    I was so honoured to be at this birth and see this strong determined mama bring her baby girl into this world. I am still in awe. Here's Japnoor's birth story, as told by her incredible mummy Kiran:


    VBAC darent valley hospital se london kent

    My first pregnancy was during the Covid lockdown in 2020. I was working from home and wasn't able to access much support face to face. Everything was via telephone. My baby boy arrived in November of 2020. I got to 10cm dilated, but due to our heart rates dropping, he came via an emergency c-section at QE hospital Woolwich.  I was devastated. My overall experience was traumatic however, I did learn a lot. 


    When I fell pregnant the second time, I was adamant that I did not want another c-section. I was going to have my VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean). This is what I told myself throughout my pregnancy. 


    One day I was scrolling through Instagram and Rise & Glow hypnobirthing page popped up. I had a look and I decided to contact Laura. This was the best decision I made. I attended Laura's Hypnobirthing classes and they were amazing. I learned so much. Additionally, I followed a lot of birthing pages on Instagram, which really helped with my knowledge on having a VBAC. 


    As me and my husband didn’t get the right support the first time, I decided to contact Laura again after our classes and asked if she would be able to assist me during the birth itself. To my surprise she said yes! She was able to come in as my second birth partner. I was super excited. 


    My due date was the 3rd November (my first born’s birthday)! On Friday 27th October I started having period type pains. I initially thought they were braxton hicks and carried on. I did however notice I was losing my mucus plug but didn't think much of it. As my due date approached, I was losing more and more mucus plug. 

    On Wednesday 1st November at around 6am in the morning things really started to gear up. I woke up, went to the bathroom and I had my bloody show, I instantly knew I was in labour. I timed my contractions and they were coming in every 10mins. 


    I took some pain killers and decided to go back to sleep. I must have had a 20 minutes nap but I couldn't settle. So I woke up, had a cup of tea and started bouncing on my birthing ball. I told my husband I think the baby will be coming soon and he started to get things ready. I managed to make some cheese on toast and had a glass of fresh juice (made the night before). I called my mum to tell her I'm dropping my son to her. 


    By midday my contractions were coming every 5 mins. We dropped our son to my mum’s and headed straight to the hospital. This time Darent Valley hospital. I remember the car journey was super intense. I asked my husband to put our birth playlist on and I was doing the breathing exercises I learned in Laura's classes. I managed to message Laura to tell her I'm on my way to the hospital.


    We got to Darent Valley hospital at 2.30pm and I was seen in Tambootie ward. By now the surges were coming in strong, I was in tears but still kept calm. I consented to be examined, and to my surprise I was 5cm dilated!


    10 mins after examination the surges were coming in fast, they started to take my breath away. By this point I was wheeled to delivery suite. I tried to implement more of the breathing techniques I learned in the Hypnobirthing classes but everything happened so fast. Laura just about made it in time as I was starting to bear baby down. She was so supportive alongside my husband and the midwives and student midwife were absolutely amazing throughout.


    I was taking deep breaths using the gas and air during each surge while our spiritual music Gurbani Kirtan was playing. It was pretty tough and I definitely shouted for an epidural a couple of times but it was way too late for that! My husband, Laura and the midwives were all cheering me on, rubbing my back, and helping me breathe.


    I moved into an upright position, supported by my birth team and with a couple more big pushes, baby girl was here by 5pm. 


    I GOT MY VBAC!  


    I honestly had the most positive birthing experience. It was the complete opposite to my first birth. With the right support and tools I got my VBAC. I'm forever grateful. Thank you ♥️ 


    VBAC darent valley hospital se london kent


    Do you want a Positive Birth too? 

    My antenatal Hypnobirthing courses are available both in-person and online, and are designed to be a fun and relaxing experience for you and your birth partner - a real highlight of your pregnancy.

    I offer different formats suitable for every budget as it is important that Hypnobirthing is accessible and affordable for everyone.

    Find the perfect class for you: 

    Not sure which course is for you? Sign up to my next FREE Online Mini-Masterclass to start your journey to a glowing pregnancy, a positive birth, and the best possible start to parenthood!

  2. Positive natural birth at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich

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    First time mum Kristina and her partner Sam share their positive birth experience at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Greenwich (London). 

    Key facts:

    • 28th September 2023
    • 1st baby
    • 8lbs 1oz - arrived 4 days early
    • 6 hour delivery with no interventions
    • Delayed cord clamping and Golden hour
    • Minor tearing, minimal drugs



    I started getting leg cramping and what felt like mild period pains. I felt it was the start of the labour but didn’t want to stress so had something to eat, had a warm bath and relaxed as much as I could.


    The surges seemed to have progressed so rapidly, I didn’t have a chance to process. My waters had not broke and attempting to count contractions was difficult, although the breathing techniques I learned did help. I also kept moving throughout which to this day I know helped things progress as quick as they did.

     7:00- 8:00pm

    I went into hospital triage as contractions were close to one another. I was examined by a trainee who said I was 3cm dilated. To check I was then examined by the head midwife who said I was one 1cm dilated, which at the time was deflating as well as confusing. The contractions seemed to have slowed down probably due to car journey to the hospital and having to lay down on my back to be examined and other stress factors. I was asked to go home and call back at 10pm when I had progressed further.

     8:15-9:00 pm

    I had strong contractions throughout the car journey home, when I arrived home I was run a warm bath and tried to stay as calm as possible, continuing with breathing exercises. I was feeling more and more pressure with each contraction and my intuition telling me it would not be long. Because of this I wanted to be in an environment where I could get assistance if I needed it so called the midwives again and was asked to go back to triage.

     9:15- 9:45pm

    This time I continued to walk around while I waited to be examined, I could not talk at this point and my legs were shaking ( later found out it’s a second stage of labour sign) My waters still had not broken by this stage but was told I was 6cm dilated and taken straight to the labour ward (I don’t think even the midwife’s expected me to progress so quickly for a 1st baby and felt up until this stage I wasn’t really listened to by triage midwife’s).

    By this point I was zoning out and focusing on myself and the baby.


    I was given gas and air which helped ease the surges but also made me feel sick so I tried not to  use often. The midwife overseeing my labour was kind,calm and listened to me. While she set up she had me continue to walk around and also sat me on the exercise ball, within minutes my waters had broke. Not long after I was asked to prop myself on the bed in a position comfortable for me (the knees together feet out came in handy ☺️)

    I was examined again and told it would not be long and to tell her when I feel the need to push.

    I had a small moment where it all settled and I didn’t feel as intense surges as before. I had a drink and was fed some skittles by sam which turned out to be the wrong choice as they ended up being brought up when baby’s head was crowning 😂

    Everything else was a blur, I was told I was pushing for roughly 1 hour 20 minutes before he arrived at 11:56 that night. I did not find out what I was having and when I was able to bring him to my chest and find out myself I knew it was the best decision and that got me through each push.

    I had no music, calming lights or birthing pool as I had pictured but it was the birth I needed. My boy arrived quick, safely and healthy.

    I’d like to think we got each other through the whole experience together.


    Huge congatrulations to Kristina and Sam - thank you for sharing your story to help other parents-to-be!


    Do you want a Positive Birth too? 

    My antenatal Hypnobirthing courses are available both in-person and online, and are designed to be a fun and relaxing experience for you and your birth partner - a real highlight of your pregnancy.

    I offer different formats suitable for every budget as it is important that Hypnobirthing is accessible and affordable for everyone.

    Find the perfect class for you: 

    Not sure which course is for you? Sign up to my next FREE Online Mini-Masterclass to start your journey to a glowing pregnancy, a positive birth, and the best possible start to parenthood!