What is Hypnobirthing, and does it actually work?
If you are looking for a scientific approach to birth preparation, and practical tools to make your labour easier, faster and more comfortable, then my antenatal courses are perfect for you.
The objective of my hypnobirthing courses is for you to feel confident, relaxed, and empowered during your pregnancy and birth. I will do this by giving you the knowledge and tools you need to work with your body’s natural power and have your best birthing experience.
The objective of hypnobirthing is NOT for you to give birth without drugs or pain-relief (although you may find that you choose to do this!)
Your baby’s birth is an important day for both parents.
Hypnobirthing gives couples the tools to work together to create a powerful shared experience that both of you will treasure for the rest of your lives.
After attending a course with me, your birth partner will not be sitting on the side-lines while you’re in labour, clueless about how to help. Birth partners have an absolutely vital role in Hypnobirthing, and my course teaches them what they need to do to get involved and support you on the big day.
Hypnobirthing is not just for homebirths and water births – both my births were in hospital on dry land! The tools you will learn may actually be even more helpful if you are giving birth in a hospital. Hypnobirthing is a highly valuable skill for ALL births, including inductions, epidurals, and Caesareans.
Hypnobirthing is for all birthing people, regardless of your background, and regardless of whether it is your first or fifth baby!
I believe that the birth of your baby will be one of the most wonderful days of your life – it’s your time to Rise & Glow!
What you will learn :
- The physiology of birth: what happens on a muscular and hormonal level in our bodies during labour
- How to maximise the production of your birthing hormones, and therefore make your birth easier, faster and more comfortable
- How to release any fears associated with childbirth, and therefore avoid the "Fear-Tension-Pain" cycle
- How to relax deeply and quickly using breathing techniques, visualisations and self-hypnosis
- How to trust your body to work naturally and in harmony with your baby
- Defining a role for your Birth Partner so that he/she has a strategy and tools to support you on the big day
- The knowledge and power to navigate birth should you require intervention or assistance
- Positions to help you birth your baby more easily and comfortably
- Breathing and visualisation techniques that work with your body to maximise your natural foetal ejection reflex, so you can birth your baby more gently and efficiently
- How to feel confident, positive and even excited about birth, allowing you to enjoy your pregnancy and look forward to the day you will meet your baby!

Client Testimonial:
"I really loved the practical elements of the course - it gave us a good view of different birthing scenarios and how to be confident whatever happens... It was a real bonding experience as well as educating us through what could be a nerve-racking time. I would recommend this course to any other couples and especially any new fathers-to-be!"
First Time Dad